Thursday, April 4, 2013

Posca pen learning to draw

I have not been very good at using color in my drawings, but I have developed a love for Posca pens. I wanted to take my drawings to something like a canvas I could hang on the wall. Graphite pens are not good for that, so after some consideration, I desided to buy a few Posca pens and draw.

My first drawing was a rose.
Rose drawn with posca
I draw this on a piece of rather rough sketching paper. This wasn't a good idea. Although the picture turned out okay, the tip of the posca pens started to fall apart :-(

A lesson I learned from drawing the rose was, that the surface I want to draw on, should be treated some how. I talked with an artist about this, and I was told to use Gezzo to prime my surface before using posca pens.

Surface preparation before posca

I primed a big piece of better quality paper with Gezzo and it turned out to be true - It was much easier to draw on this, and the colors turned out much better. I also took the rose design and incorporated into my drawing, to give the grimm reaper something to do. 

posca pen drawing

Now, have not finished this yet. I am not sure what to put down in the right corner. Should I just fill it with lilac, or should there be something cool?
Anyways, I learned two important things, when working with this piece. Firstly, I was not thorough enough when applying the Gezzo. Some places the paper was not good for the posca pens :-( Secondly, when applying Gezzo to only one side of a thin piece of paper it curls together making it difficult to work with.

Posca on canvas

I was finished working with posca pens and paper. I then tried to draw on a canvas. This canvas was not an ordinary canvas. It was very flat, and similar to a piece of paper. I desided to make a kind of sun with very soft shapes and a wave - also a soft shape.

posca wave art drawing

I took a lot of care applying Gezzo on this canvas. I did it twice, turning the canvas each time.

A different posca technic

I was thinking if I could use a stippling technic with posca. I tried this drawing of a jelly fish on canvas, and I think it turned out okay. The background is acryllic paint, saving on the work load :-) This was a lot of dots!!

Stippling a jelly fish with posca

Next time i make a posca drawing, I will also paint the background with acryllic paint.

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